The holiday season is here and through talking with friends, there seems to be a pressure to come up with gifts for under $10 for the office Christmas party or their family/friend Yankee I've come up with ten gift ideas for under $10 that can be bought on-line.

Garden in a Bag Herbs available at Branch Home.

Fred's Key shirts are color coded T-shirts that keep the keys on your keychain organized. Available at Merlin's Box.

Colored Pencil Travel Set from Northwest Nature Shop.

Vaugondy Globe available at the Conran Shop.

Stonewall Kitchen Christmas Traditions Holiday Jam.

Handmade, Solid Bamboo Salad Servers available at Branch Home.

Democrat or Republican Porcelain Mug available at Gracious Home.

Mini silver-Plated Frame with Red or Green Grosgrain Mat available at Pottery Barn.

Perfect Potfuls Tin with three different types of coffee. It can be customized with your own label and is available at Designer Gifts.

McKenna Luggage Tags at Pottery Barn.